Sunday morning worship Services
9:30 am - Sunday School
10:45 am - Worship
ExpositoryGod's word deserves respect for context, so I seek to preach chapter by chapter, always considering the holiness of Scripture.
Bible basedThe Bible is fully inerrant and infallible. It is our only source of truth, upon which our foundation is laid.
applicableGod's word guides us in our world view and our daily choices. We must choose to apply it to our lives.
Pastor's Point of View
Weekly Tuesday Devotional
- To provide quick and concise Biblical insight with a few relevant passages of scripture which can be used as a tool for personal and family devotions. (Spiritual Formation)
- To challenge each and every person who receives this weekly devotional to be daily in the Word, meditating on scripture, and praying. (Spiritual Growth)
- To encourage each of you to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others, either by personal testimony, sharing the devotional or inviting others to church; thereby working for the Lord. (Kingdom Growth)